Sunday, February 26, 2012

Today we helped my friend Krista and her family move to Bastrop.  They are starting their new positions as Assistant Camp Directors for Camp Wilderness Ridge.  It is such a blessing to be part of helping them take the next step in thier ministry.

Zander and Naomi were really great helpers (I was a little surprised)!  There was a couple of hiccups; like Zander on top a refridgerator on the loaded trailer or Naomi being a trip hazard for men with large furniture coming down the steps.  But overall, watching them serve God by serving others was such a blessing!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Zander's almost 8 - Naomi's almost 7

My babies are growning up! I sit back and watch with awe at the creatures God has given us. It seems the more I participate the more messed up they get. Ok, I am kidding! But I do busy myself with teaching and disciplining and praying for them...just hoping that I am being faithful to do what God has called me to.
I can only find joy in that God is using me to mold these creatures into what He needs them to be. He will use them to further His kingdom! I feel a little overwhelmed sometimes with the strong willed son and the over empathetic daughter. But then I remember, God has a purpose, and it IS for good!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Almost Halloween

Wow where has the time gone? It seems like since I started FB I never bother with my blog.

Zander and Naomi are both attending school. Zander is in kindergarten and loving it. We had a parent teach conference and his teacher, Mrs. Higgins, says that he is a great student. I was a little concerned that he wouldn't be such a good student.

Naomi started pre-k and she also enjoys it. She goes M-W-F. I got a note from her teacher, Mrs. Stacy, that she was being passive aggressive. Other than that she has done really well. I never dreamed that I would get a not from HER teacher. I guess that just goes to show you never really know.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I stink!

In case you haven't noticed, I really stink at keeping up with this page.

In my defense since the last post on April 19, the following has transpired:

Closed on our house in Pflugerville.

Naomi had first ballet recital.

In-laws, Wanda, Charles and Delilah, came for a visit.

Moved into our new home.

Traveled to Ky and In for almost 2 weeks.

Had a sinus and ear infection.

Totally redid front flower bed.

Washer and dryer delivered today! Yaayyy!

I am sure that there are other very important and time consuming events that have happened since then, also. I am just a little brain fried right now. Pics will follow-I promise.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Naomi Charis is 4!

My baby girl is going to be 4 tomorrow! It is "our" special day. It seems like yesterday that I was only dreaming of her, and now I have already had four awesome years with her. She is so kind and considerate of everyone around her. Naomi has the cutest personality and is so slow to anger. Her sense of humor is quirky like her dads. She is truly a pleasant, gentle, gift from God. Our lives are enriched by her presence. I love her with all my heart and can't believe that God has blessed me with such a special birthday gift.
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Friday, April 17, 2009

Easter Church

My beautiful babies at church on Easter. I can't wait until they both truly understand what the resurection and the sacrifice that Jesus made for us really is all about. They have both asked Jesus to live in thier hearts, but it is hard to grasp the reality of it (even for us adults). I hope that you are living in awareness of Jesus' love and devotion for us this season.
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Easter Bunny

Zander and Naomi opening thier baskets from the Easter Bunny!
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